josh thorne

Josh Thorne, originally from Syracuse, Utah, is a talented baritone in BYU Vocal Point, bringing his rich voice to the group's diverse a capella arrangements. Currently undecided in his major, Josh is leaning towards marketing, showing his interest in both the creative and business sides of the professional world. His vocal skills are a significant contribution to Vocal Point, where he blends seamlessly with the group, enhancing their performances with his depth of tone. As he explores his academic options, Josh's involvement in music provides a solid foundation for his personal and artistic growth. His teammates in Vocal Point value him not only for his musical talents but also for his open-minded approach to his future and his willingness to explore new avenues, both academically and musically. Josh's journey at BYU reflects a balance between his passion for music and his curiosity for the business world, making him a well-rounded and valued member of the group.



Syracuse, UT